We’ve all been there. We think we know exactly how to fill in a document, open it up and then stare in horror as we’re not 100% sure what to write where. So the ICCDU 2016 admin team decided to be your guardian angels and give you a small helping hand to make sure you fill in the form perfectly.


Section 1 – Presenting author details

Really simple. Just add in all the contact details for the author who will be presenting the work at ICCDU 2016. Only one person can present regardless of the number of authors.  Also remember to tell us whether you are a PhD student or not.


Section 2 – Abstract information

This is where everyone involved in the research gets some credit. Add each author who is named on the paper and their affiliation i.e where they work


Section 3 – Conference theme

Pick one of the three topics that best covers your research. You can submit as many abstract submissions as you like but you will need to fill in a new form for each.


Section 4 – Presentation style

You’ll now need to tell us how you plan to deliver your research, whether you plan to present a poster, give an oral or flash presentation.The 5 minute flash presentations will be given in a specific session and are for PhD students or those that don’t want to give a full presentation but would like to highlight their research. Oral presentations will be 20minutes in length including questions.


Section 5 – Abstract

Here you’ll need to tell us about your research and what you plan to present within a 750 word limit. You can then add any image, graph or table that you feel is relevant and then finally add the references.


Section 6 – Publication

This one is really important. We want to showcase the most recent work in carbon dioxide utilization and therefore priority will be given to those pieces of research that have been published in the last two years or is unpublished.


Submitting the abstract

Once you’ve filled in the form, you’ll need to save it as follows

name_presentation style.doc

So for example


and then send it back to us at abstracts@iccdu2016.org.uk

If you have more than one abstract that will have the same name, please use the following template joebloggs _oral_2.doc etc

If you need any further help , just let us know.


Until next time,

Katy and admin team.