CO2 Splitting
Stefanie Schlagar is a researcher at the Institute for Physical Chemistry at the Joahannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria. She is the author of a number of papers on the electrochemical and photoelectrochemical reduction of CO2
Professor Walter Leitner received his doctorate from the Institute of Inorganic Chemisty, University of Regensburg and went of to study a postdoctoral at the University of Oxford. Since 2002, Walter has being Chair of Technical Chemistry and Petrochemistry and Director of the Institute of Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry, both at RWTH Aachen University. He is the Scientific Editor of Green Chemistry Journal and Scientific director at CAT at Bayer Materials Technologies.
Professor Chang-Jun Liu is a board member of Greenhouse Gases: Sci & Technol and International CO2 Forum and advisory editor of several prominent journals. He is a professor at Tianjin University where he also received his doctorate in 1993, specialising in catalysis for energy and fuels and cold plasma for catalyst preparation as well catalysts for methane conversion, CO2 Utilization, methanation, CO oxidation and other energy & fuels applications.
CO2 Insertion
Professor Ah-Hyung (Alissa) Park completed her PhD in Chemical Engineering at Ohio State University in 2005. Since then she has gone on to hold positions Columbia University and Earth’s Institute’s Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy as Associate Director. She has co-authored several papers and has 5 patents. She is an active member of the ACS and an advocate of Women in Engineering and Engineering outreach programmes.
Professor Michael North is a graduate of the University of Durham and Oxford is currently Professor of Green Chemistry at the Green Chemistry centre of Excellence at the University of York. His research interests cover many aspects of CO2 utilisation including synthesis and applications of cyxclic carbonates, CO2 plasma chemistry, CO2 electrochemistry and synthesis of polymers incorporating CO2. He is deputy director of CO2 Chem.
Enabling Technologies
Bernard David is an entrepreneur, educator and has written several books on how to succeed in business. For the last 15 years, Bernard has focused on sustainability and is the founder of Global CO2 Initiative; a market based solution to address the impact of excessive CO2 emissions in the atmosphere and oceans. He is also a Commissioner on the Energy Transitions Commission as well as board member of several companies.
Dr. Barbara Olfe-Kräutlein is Project Scientist at IASS Potsdam with research interests in communication issues in the utilisation of CO2 as a resource (utilisation) and innovation and technology communication and is currently working on CO2 as an asset – potentials and challenges for society.
Dr Christopher Jones received his PhD in Social Psychology in 2007 and is now Director of Impact for Psychology and focuses on public attitudes and responses to environmental change.
Professor Peter Styring from the University of Sheffield specialises in carbon dioxide utilisation. He is Director of the CO2 Chem Network and of CDDUK. He is a member of the ICCDU International Scientific Board and of the European Taskforce on Carbon Dioxide Reuse. In 2012, he won the Nova Institute Award for Innovation in CDU.