Welcome to the ICCDU 2016’s first blog post. We hope to publish this blog regularly to keep you up to date with what’s happening with the ICCDU.
We’re are really pleased to be hosting the next ICCDU conference in Sheffield within the University of Sheffield’s new Engineering building, the Diamond.
The Diamond is the newest addition to the Faculty of Engineering at the University and is our largest ever investment in learning and teaching at a cost of £81million. The Diamond has created a fantastic space for students and academics across the Faculty to come together to share their knowledge of engineering and become a modern inter-disciplinary teaching facility. The Diamond houses specialist engineering teaching facilities, lecture theatres, seminar rooms and open-plan learning spaces as well as social spaces and café facilities.
The conference will be mainly centered within the Diamond although external events will be held around the campus.
Following on from the success of the conference in Singapore in July, we plan for ICCDU 2016 to focus on translating CO2 utilisation research into industrial reality and further bring together the academic, industrial and government communities in the field of Carbon Dioxide Utilisation.
We will be bringing you updates over the coming months including how you can follow us on social media, abstract submission openings and when tickets for the conference become available. If you would like to keep up to date on ICCDU 2016, you can sign up to our e-newsletter by entering your email address in the box opposite. You can also sign up to our sister website, CO2Chem, to keep up to date on all things Carbon Dioxide Utilisation related.
Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions by emailing us at info@iccdu2016.org.uk
Until next time,
ICCDU 2016 Team